Is Cricket Betting Legal In India

The legality of cricket betting in India is a topic of significant interest, particularly with the rise of online betting platforms like 10Cric. With the keywords “10cric” and “10Cric Cricket Betting,” this article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the legal landscape surrounding cricket betting in India. We will explore the current legal framework, the stance of different states, and compare it with international betting laws.

Introduction to Cricket Betting in India

Cricket is more than just a sport in India; it is a passion that unites millions. With the advent of platforms like 10Cric, enthusiasts have more opportunities to engage in cricket betting. However, the legality of such activities remains a grey area for many. This article will shed light on the legal aspects of cricket betting in India, focusing on key legal terms and conditions.

Understanding the Legal Framework

India’s legal framework for gambling and betting is complex and varies across states. The Public Gambling Act of 1867 is the central piece of legislation that governs gambling activities in India. However, individual states have the authority to formulate their own laws regarding gambling and betting.

The Public Gambling Act of 1867

The Public Gambling Act of 1867 prohibits running or being in charge of a public gambling house. The Act, however, does not specifically mention online gambling, which has led to varying interpretations regarding its applicability to online betting platforms like 10Cric.

State-Specific Legislation

States like Sikkim and Goa have legalized certain forms of gambling, including sports betting, under specific regulations. In contrast, states like Maharashtra strictly prohibit all forms of gambling under the Bombay Wager Act.

Supreme Court Rulings

The Supreme Court of India has made several rulings that impact the legal status of sports betting. Notably, the court has recognized horse racing and rummy as games of skill, which are exempt from the definition of gambling. However, cricket betting is still largely viewed as a game of chance, making it subject to stricter regulations.

Online Betting and Foreign Platforms

Online betting platforms like 10Cric operate in a legal grey area. While there is no explicit ban on online betting at the federal level, the lack of regulation leaves players and operators uncertain about the legal implications.

Comparing Indian and International Betting Laws

To provide a broader perspective, it is useful to compare India’s betting laws with those of other countries where sports betting is regulated and legal.


Legal Status

Regulatory Body

Key Features


Varies by state

State Governments

Mixed legal status; mostly restricted

United Kingdom


UK Gambling Commission

Comprehensive regulation



Australian Communications and Media Authority

Strict regulations, legalized online betting

United States

Varies by state

State Governments

State-specific legalization, increasing acceptance


Highly Restricted

Singapore Totalisator Board

Limited to government-run platforms

As shown in the table, countries like the UK and Australia have clear regulatory frameworks that govern sports betting, providing more legal clarity compared to India.

Pros and Cons of Legalizing Cricket Betting in India

Legalizing cricket betting in India comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Economic Benefits

Legalizing cricket betting could generate significant revenue for the government through taxation. It could also create job opportunities in the betting and gaming industry.

Regulation and Safety

A regulated betting market would ensure player protection and reduce the risks associated with illegal betting. It would also help in monitoring and preventing match-fixing activities.

Social Concerns

On the downside, increased accessibility to betting could lead to a rise in gambling addiction and related social issues. Proper measures would need to be in place to address these concerns.

Enforcement Challenges

Enforcing betting regulations across a diverse and populous country like India could be challenging. Ensuring compliance and preventing illegal activities would require robust monitoring systems.

The Future of Cricket Betting in India

10cric cricket betting
10cric cricket betting

The future of cricket betting in India largely depends on the government’s willingness to adapt and regulate the industry. With growing popularity and technological advancements, there is a strong case for creating a regulated and safe betting environment.

Potential Legislative Changes

There have been discussions and proposals to amend existing laws to accommodate online betting and gambling. These changes, if implemented, could bring much-needed clarity and regulation to the industry.

Role of Technology

Technology can play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity of cricket betting. Advanced monitoring systems and AI can help detect and prevent fraudulent activities.

Public Opinion

Public opinion on cricket betting is divided. While some see it as a form of entertainment and a potential revenue source, others are concerned about its social implications. The government needs to balance these views while formulating policies.

Global Trends

India can learn from international examples where regulated betting markets have thrived. Adopting best practices from these countries could help in developing a robust framework for cricket betting in India.


The legality of 10cric cricket betting in India is a complex and evolving issue. While platforms like 10Cric offer exciting opportunities for cricket enthusiasts, the lack of clear regulations poses challenges. Understanding the legal landscape, comparing it with international standards, and considering the potential benefits and drawbacks can help shape a balanced approach to cricket betting in India.